Monday, June 1, 2009

Fallen behind

Well - I've not walked much measurably but have biked two Saturdays in a row and managed 27.7 miles the first and 27.5 the second. So biking is going very well. Not sure if I'll get a ride in this week, but I'll try. I do the Utica to Stanwix part of the Canal Trailway. It's wonderful and easy to do.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Date: May 10
Mileage: 2.0 (walking)
May mileage: 9.0 (walking) 6.0 (biking)
Time: 40:00 (walking)
To Date: 36.48 (walking) 11.47 (biking)

Happy Mothers day to all mom's and caretakers out there.

I made it out again- to PF. I don't walk as far, but I do keep my heart rate up higher because I do uphills and speed. (my max comfortable speed seems to be 3.2 mph) Any higher than that and my legs just ache with my hips....Not Pretty....

Saturday work out...

Date: May 9
Mileage: 2.0 (walking) 6.0 (biking)
May mileage: 7.0 (walking) 6.0 (biking)
Time: 40:00 (walking) 30:00 (biking)
To Date: 34.48 (walking) 11.47 (biking)

I went to PF and did 6 miles on the bike in 30 minutes - kept the tension up a bit - but the way the seat is and with my hips and back it was uncomfortable. I'll try it again soon with more tension- it may be that I was able to peddle pretty fast - so that is what made it uncomfortable. My hips hurt this morning and my left leg keeps getting the 'leg asleep' tingles. It's part of the problem - lower back problems and hip problems - too heavy to help it at all, so hopefully I'll lose weight, get stronger and help all of that in one fell swoop. Don't want to have back surgery.

Oh - and after the bike ride I did 2 miles on the treadmill - that loosened up the tightness in the hips and back after the ride.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Joined Planet Fitness

Date: May 8
Mileage: 5.0
May mileage: 6.0
Time: 41:00
To Date: 32.48

Yes - I am still walking but need to do more than that. (actually I need an attitude adjustment).

I hate feeling like this - bulging over my jeans - that don't feel that tight when I am standing and I can move freely in them (to a point) but when I sit I have a roll. I don't want this anymore. I need to figure out another way to deal with emotional issues. So...that being said I'm going to work very hard to change my behavior and habits - I am tired of myself at this point.

So last night I did 2 miles on the treadmill - with the incline going up and down. It was a good workout - sweating when I was done because I move faster than when I am outside. I'll go through the training at PF for the weights and such so I do those right and don't hurt myself.

I'm looking forward to loose fitting clothes - that are that way because I lost weight not because I had to buy them that way! And no more acid reflux, or back/hip pain, or hating myself when I look in the mirror or shying away from meeting people...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Days

Date: May 3
Mileage: 4.0
April mileage: 4.0
Time: 1:20
To Date: 30.48

Again it's been awhile - but in my defense I had to work at the Casino - a convention, on Friday. I say that it's a defense because I had to walk from my car (on the second floor of the parking garage) to the Mohawk room 3 times! It's not close and I had to move a lot of stuff. I didn't have a pedometer - but guessing that with those three round trips plus the other walking I did it was probably 1.5 miles.

Tonight's walk was good - the weather was nice, very nice - got some color on my face and arms - and listened to more of my Odd Thomas book.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, Monday

Date: April 27
Mileage: 1.84
April mileage: 26.48
Time: 0:40

I left my house at 8:00pm and was whipped! Not sleeping great because of the heat so that's not helping me. I didn't walk far but I tried to keep my speed up so as to make it a worthy walk.

In fact I was so tired that I didn't write this last night - so I'm doing it now.

Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Can't believe it's been so long!

Date: April 26
Mileage: 3.83
April mileage: 24.64
Time: 1:20

I have excuses, some are valid and some are just pure laziness. I haven't been sitting on my butt, I just haven't been walking. The weather has been phenomenal for the past couple of days - tomorrow is supposed to be HOT! LOL - it's raining and 37 one day, 73 the next and 83 the next. I have no idea what it was today, but it was humid - my hair told me that - curly!

No I haven't quit - I just got very distracted. And - a side note - the inserts I got for my new sneakers were a BAD idea! I have a bad back and they managed to tweak the way I walk enough that my knees, hips and back were aching!